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What is Homeopathy?

Writer's picture: Kim AthertonKim Atherton

Updated: May 3, 2024

Homeopathy is described as a natural treatment modality, founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1700's in Germany, more than 200 years ago, and is based on two principles:

  • 'Like cures like' - where a small dose of something that would create symptoms of disease in a healthy person, can actually treat the disease with similar symptoms. For example, coffee is known to cause insomnia, but miniscule amounts of coffee can be used homeopathically to help insomnia.

  • 'Law of Minimum Dose' - the notion where the lower the dose, the greater its effectiveness.

What is homeopathy and how does it differ to conventional medicine? Conventional medical treatment is where we visit a doctor when we have an illness and modern medicines are provided to take the illness away, by opposing the illness. This is described as allopathic medicine ('allo' meaning opposite). Examples include antibiotics, and anti-depressants.

Conversely, homeopathy aspires to the belief that symptoms are there for a reason, and if the reason still exists then the illness will return either in the same capacity or as a different issue, and that symptoms have merely been suppressed. Homeopathic remedies are carefully chosen to address the root cause of the client's individual circumstances.

Our body is an integrated system that is maintained by an energy flow (Vital Force), and disease manifests when there is a blockage to this energy flow. Homeopathic remedies work by gently stimulating this energy flow, allowing the body's own healing properties to occur. Death occurs when there is no Vital Force.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathic remedies are sourced from nature and are repeatedly diluted to a point where there is minimal or no 'physical' properties of the starting material present. However, after 'succussing' (vigorously hitting the remedy bottle against the palm of our hand), the material is activated and capable of stimulating the body's own defence system to heal itself, with healing shown by symptoms abating.

Doctrine of Signatures

'Nature' has provided us with clues about its usefulness through the 'Doctrine of Signatures'. Well before modern medicine, when we weren't easily able to understand the chemical properties of substances, people looked at the characteristics of vegetables, minerals, flowers etc and based medical decisions on that. For example:

  • Turmeric and Berberis, both have yellowish, green properties that resemble the colour of bile. They have both been found to be useful for the treatment of jaundice and with issues related to bile formation.

  • Crushed Hypericum perfoliatum yields a blood red juice and has been found to be useful for haemorrhages

  • Euphrasia (eye bright) resembles the iris of our eye and has been found to be useful for diseases of the eye.

  • Willow (Salix species) that grows in wet, damp conditions was found to be beneficial for rheumatic conditions worsened by damp conditions. Modern day Aspirin originated from the active ingredient in Salix (Salicylic acid).

These substances are not only used homoeopathically, but also as herbal mixtures. Unlike homeopathy where the dose is extremely dilute, herbal doses can be very strong and may cause unwanted symptoms. Herbal remedies must sit between defined dose limits. This is once again a reminder that you should only be taking advice from a qualified naturopath.

Homeopathic remedies are given in droplet form (preserved in brandy and water), or coated on sugar pillules, or used in creams. The remedies in pillule or liquid drop form are then potentised (made active) with serial dilutions and succussion, liberating the latent energy in the remedy. Remedies are then placed under the tongue, half an hour away from any food or water, to be absorbed into our bloodstream via the veins under our tongue. A lot of homeopathic creams are sold in chemist shops with users potentially unknowingly using homeopathic remedies for their injuries. Homeopathic remedies have no side effects and are not habit forming.

Picture of homeopathic pillules
Homeopathic pillules

Where is Homeopathy used?

Homeopathy is used extensively in India, China, Mexico, the U.S., Brazil, South Africa, the majority of European countries including but not limited to Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, and Great Britain. It is estimated that over 100 million people in India rely solely on homeopathic treatments for their healthcare needs. Homeopathy is used safely in Australia in a complimentary capacity, and not for conditions that could be serious, life-threatening, or develop into anything serious as per National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines.

Examples of Common Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic Remedy

Used for


Bruises and contusions

Allium cepa

Allergies and the Common Cold


Teething, colic, childhood irritability

Mag phos


Nux vomica

Digestive issues, hangovers, over-consumption


Grief, anxiety


The 'flu'


Injuries to nerves

Rhus tox

Sprains and strains



Table of common homeopathic remedies

If you would like to discuss your personal circumstances and discuss how specific homeopathic remedies may help your individual needs, then please don't hesitate to make a booking with me.

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